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Welcome to the Gut Intuitive Eating Guidebook and Private Online Course.


This self-led detox program guide designed to heal your mind, body, and spirit.


Healthy Salad

Intuitive Gut Detox


Wellness begins in the gut! Let's get yours back on track to find your wellness within!

A course this in-depth would cost hundreds.

But you already know that because you either have wanted to take something like this, but the cost scared you away or you have purchased something similar in the past.


I get that and that is why I decided to make the WHOLE course $59.


You get IT ALL.


I am SO excited to share this with you all and cannot wait to change even more lives with this course!


STARTS: Currently closed. 

PRICE: $59

Healthy Salad
Here's what's included:


In this course you get a full guidebook with recipes and in-depth information and teaching practices that lead you through step by step the areas our mind and gut struggle and therefore we experience bloating, inflammation and overall digestive upset.


Once you get enrolled you receive the guide book to download right away so you can begin to learn and self-explore the areas of your digestive health then starting on March 1st in the privately hosted online group we will go step by step into the areas of the guidebook and talk about how you are feeling as you go thru the detox.


In addition to that, daily I share a video in the group going even further onto Gut flora, and why focusing on the gut repair and healing is essential to not only proper absorption of the foods we eat but also reduces inflammation in the system and increases our bodies natural base metabolism!


  • We detox from environmental toxins

  • We restore digestive rest

  • Focus on Nutrients Absorptions

  • We talk about Fasting and its principles and how they benefit the system

  • I walk you thru Initiative cleansing using plant based whole foods

  • Provide recipes both in the guidebook but once in the group you recipe over 60 days of recipes

  • In the group I teach on Intuitive eating VS Cravings how to identify and defeat

  • Provide journaling prompts and outline to help you stay on track

  • Offer daily lifestyle applications to help you redesign and good healthy relationship MIND and BODY


And so much more!

While it is "self-led" regarding reading, the private course we can do it together.


There I can answer your questions, help, support and lead you each day.


Together we will detox from environmental toxins, food preservatives and pesticides, as well as many other common toxins in this modern world cultivated through the western eating practice and food agriculture to reclaim our mind-gut connection!

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© 2021 Rachel Harshfield. All rights reserved. Website design by KM.

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